Wood Curtain Rods 50mm (2")

Solid Wood Rods For 50mm ( 2" diameter rods)

Drapery King Toronto 

At Drapery King Toronto We combine many different Components to help you the customer install your drapery no matter how difficult the window is we try to have a solution. 


Add Glamor to your home with this in stock Build Your Own Rod.

Custom Wood Curtain Rod Collection.

Available in Many Colors.

All Specs / Sizes are from the manufacturer 

1. Choose Rod size and Color, 

2. Choose Style of brackets,

3. Choose Finials / Ends,

4. Choose Rings


We Can help you choose the perfect Curtain rod for your home. 

Send a picture of your window

For more info Call Text your questions to Mark 647-219-1714

Drapery King Sells all the Curtain Rod Parts Separately to help you customize your Curtain Rod To your Needs.

  • Rods Don't Qualify For Free
  • (Shipping The surcharges for rods are very high)

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